– fagspecifikke opgaver

FF= fællesfaglig

TEMA 1: Hvad kendetegner Kenya – intro til landet og folket 

1.1. FF. Kenya today – news and facts
News fra AllAfrica, Indsamling af data ved hjælp af Globalis, Gapminder, World Bank.
Faktaboks: BNP HDI Gini, Landegruppeinddelingen.
Kildekritik (data fra Verdensbanken).
1.3. ENG.  Language: English as Lingua Franca/Global English, regional varieties of English: Kenya/East African English varieties. Phonetics. Udtaleøvelser. Oral tradition vs. written culture.Oral vs. written culture 
1.4. ENG. The Scramble for Africa,colonization, White Man’s Burden by Kipling
1.5. ENG. Decolonization of Kenya, Mau Mau, Climate Change in Kenya, Excuses, Harold Macmillan’s Wind of Change-speech  

TEMA 4: Klimapolitik og klimakamp 

4.7. ENG. Film analysis  “Taking Roots”
Film analysis of the trailer as well as of the whole movie. 
4.8. ENG. Film analysis  “Thank you for the Rain”, Analysis of the movie poster. Film analysis of the movie.