– fagspecifikke opgaver
FF= fællesfaglig
TEMA 1: Hvad kendetegner Kenya – intro til landet og folket
1.1. FF. Kenya today – news and facts News fra AllAfrica, Indsamling af data ved hjælp af Globalis, Gapminder, World Bank. Faktaboks: BNP HDI Gini, Landegruppeinddelingen. Kildekritik (data fra Verdensbanken). |
1.3. ENG. Language: English as Lingua Franca/Global English, regional varieties of English: Kenya/East African English varieties. Phonetics. Udtaleøvelser. Oral tradition vs. written culture.Oral vs. written culture |
1.4. ENG. The Scramble for Africa,colonization, White Man’s Burden by Kipling |
1.5. ENG. Decolonization of Kenya, Mau Mau, Climate Change in Kenya, Excuses, Harold Macmillan’s Wind of Change-speech |
TEMA 4: Klimapolitik og klimakamp
4.7. ENG. Film analysis “Taking Roots” Film analysis of the trailer as well as of the whole movie. |
4.8. ENG. Film analysis “Thank you for the Rain”, Analysis of the movie poster. Film analysis of the movie. |